
TLS with S3 static websites

    12 minute read     Technology

It’s been quite a while since I set up my blog using AWS S3’s static website hosting and while it’s been great so far, there’s one long-overdue feature I’ve been missing: transport encryption. I’m ashamed it’s taken me this long to add it, but it’s now available and you can learn how to set it up yourself!

Setting up Jenkins in AWS

    7 minute read     Technology

This is a bit of a follow-up post related to my earlier one about setting up AWS and Jekyll. In this instalment, I set up a Jenkins server to automate building and deploying my Jekyll blog. Overview AWS provides some great documentation on how to set up a Jenkins build server (click ‘Get Started with the Project Guide’). However, the...

AWS and Jekyll

    11 minute read     Technology

This first post will detail some of the steps I went through to set up a working Jekyll-based blog hosted on Amazon S3. The steps will be messy and some details might not be correct - I apologise in advance for these. I would like to go through my own instructions again from scratch with a clean setup to check...